Vanish Liquid Detergent 500 ml

Vanish Liquid Detergent 500 ml

  • Rs. 59.00

Vanish products are strong in removing stains and soft on skin, since they are dermatologically tested, they proved to be strong enough to kill 99.9% of bacteria. Vanish Liquid Detergent is a power powder to help you in chasing almost all sorts of toughest lubricants. Vanish Liquid is the safest stain remover for your favourite coloured, white & delicate clothes. The Vanish liquid detergent is simple to use and less in time consuming. The new advanced liquid format is helpful for localised application on fabric. It removes tough stains that detergents alone cannot while being gentle on colored clothes as well. Use Vanish Liquid Detergent and experience the difference. 

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